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Saturday, October 5, 2024


Woke up and had some coffee. Took Javi to his practice and came home. He showered and got ready and we went to the Halloween Spirit Store. I got Gabriel an Optimus Prime costume and I got the Ghoat Face costume. Came home and relaxed.
(Morning: coffee. Water. Pizza)

My Mom and sister came by. We went to go watch the 2nd Joker movie. I fell asleep like 3 times. I wasn't a fan. Afte we grabbed food and I watched WWE Bad Blood. Ate dinner and we went to Target.
(Afternoon: water, popcorn, coke, Plato mixto  nicaraguense.)

Put things away and showered. It's hot, going to watch SNL and go to bed. Games tomorrow for the boys  .
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, October 4, 2024

Finally Friday

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took then to school. I came back home to have coffee and log in to work. Had an early meeting and waited until lunch time.
(Morning: Pound cake,  coffee, water)

Picked up the boys, had lunch and came home. Finished work and took Gabriel to basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: meatloaf, water, corn,  iced coffee)

After his school practice,  we took Gabriel to Just Hoops. Came home and walked over to Popeye's to grab some dinner. Showered and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich, wings, water, Mac and cheese)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

once again a hot ass game

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and got their lunch ready and took them to school. Drop off was good. Came home to log in
 Had a few meetings and did some laundry. 
(Morning: pumpkin loaf, water, coffee)

Put the meatloaf in to cook, went to get the boys. Came back and had lunch. Finished work with another meeting. Tool a nap amd took Javi to his basketball practice.  
(Afternoon: meatloaf, zoa, lemonade,  corn)

Came home, watered the lawn. Showered and washed the dishes. Finishing up the game and will watch TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: rosquillas, tequila and soda)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

another hot ass day

Morning :
Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and got to the Civic Center station. Got to my desk and set up. Attended a meeting and went to get my ID badge updated.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Pumpkin loaf.brownie)

Had lunch and a few more meetings. Took off early to go to Kaiser for my knee and arm. After came home to wash the cars. No practice for Gabriel due to weather.
(Afternoon: water. Sandwich,  burrito. Coke)

Took Javi to basketball practice and came home. Showered and prepared a meatloaf for tomorrow. 
Watching TV before bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

hot ass day

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train, no issues today. Got there and set up. Had a meeting and relaxed after.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Oatmeal, peanuts)

Had lunch and attended another meeting. When it was close to quitting time I packed up and headed home. Caught the BART back and stopped by 7-11 amd grabbed some Slurpees. Came home to put things away and ee headed to Javi's basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water. Peanuts)

Practice was good, it was hot. Passed by putting gas in the truck. Dropped off Javi and picked up my wife to go ro target. Came home and showered, ate and now watching TV. 
(Nighttime: pumpkin loaf, arroz a la valenciana, water, beer, tortilla and cheese)

Monday, September 30, 2024

New week

Woke up and changed. Got my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and when we got to the Embarcadero station the driver said that the train was not going past the next station, that we had to get off to continue. So I had to get off and caught the Muni metro to Civic Center. Got to work and set up, checked emails and updated some items I was assigned and watched some training demo videos.
(Morning: oatmeal, peanuts, water)

Had lunch and talked to my mom. The power went out in the building so they sent me home. Walked to BART and caught the train home. Got home and logged into work and did a few things before logging off. Took Javi to his baseball practice. 
(Afternoon: left over panda express,  arroz a la valenciana, coke, water, zoa)

Practice was good, got home and chilled. Took Javi to basketball practice and when we got home finished taking out the trash, compost and recycling. Showered and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Coming home

Woke up and packed up. Loaded the truck and we were off to Porto's. Ran into a few work friends and had breakfast and started our drive home. We were making good time and got off to get the boys lunch.
(Morning: water, iced horchata coffee, ham and cheese croissant)

While my wife drove I watched the Niners game, there was an accident and we got delayed a bit. I took over driving with about 2 and a half hours to go. Got home and unpacked did laundry and watched some football. 
(Afternoon: water. Donuts,  cinnamon roll)

Went to pick up food and had dinner. Packed up my lunch and got things ready for tomorrow. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water. Panda express)